Your Views on the "Blogging Community" in general.

Hello everyone. I was watching the tube this weekend and I've noticed lately that so many jokes lately are hurled toward the bloggers of the world. I am pretty new to blogging and find it so far to be a great release. Never before has so open a forum been given to basically anyone with a computer and the desire to speak ones mind and share ones interests.
Do we bloggers really deserve to be bunched in with our fellow geek croweds as the D&D freaks, band or A/V club types. No understand me, I am in no way putting down the enjoyers of those interests, with the exceptions of D&D, I was a band geek and proud of it and as for the A/V club I feel I'm still in that one. How can it be in this day and age that there are people so quick to judge others for the freedom of expresion. Or perhaps there affraid of allowing themselves to be self expressive for fear of what they might really learn of themselves.
Well, anyhow, if anyone reads this post please comment. First of all I want to know that the comment posting is working and secondly, I like hearing what people have to say. Take care and have a great day
Welcome to blogging!
Blogging a seriously good way of expressing anything your thinking or feeling.
Its great to surf other blogs and comment on whatever they've written, whether its humorous, sad, informative etc
Critics of blogging clearly haven't even tried it so they're opinions aren't worth much...
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