The New "Knight Rider"

For all you Knight Rider fans out there prepare to be let down. If you don't remember Knight Rider from the '80s here's a recap. Awesome self controlled smart car complete with Atari game system, multiple monochrome monitors, turbo boost and its own built in attitude and voice. Driven my Micheal Knight, played by the suave lady killer David Hasselhoff. All under the guidance of a shadowy government agency sent to dispell evil doers and right societies wrongs, yada, yada, yada. If you were a boy growing up in the 80's Knight Rider was it. So, needless to say when I heard they were working on bringing the show back I got somewhat stoked. With the advances in technology and production advances this could be pretty good. Well it seems the show will just end up being a huge product placement extravaganza.
The cast are a bunch of "OC" cast offs, pretty primped model types. Gone is the Hoff. Granted he was about as corny an actor as you would find but he brought an every man feel to the role. As for the car, gone is the Pontiac Trans Am and in is the new Ford Mustang Shelby GT500KR an amazing car yes, but a bit over the top.
I always found the subtleness of the sleek black Pontiac as the mystique to the show. Now we have this balls to the wall Shelby. Who's eye wouldn't this vehicle catch as it roars down the street. I'll probably still and try to catch at least the pilot, I'm just not holding my breath.
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