
I was watching the news this morning and I heard this term for the first time "theologian-in-chief". It was brought up in a recent interview with a gentlman(sorry I don't remember who), he gave this as part of his response to the faith questions that are circling around republican candidate Mitt Romney. The gentleman in the interview could not have summed up the whole non important issue better. Basically he just asked, "since when do we elect a Theologian-in-Chief?" Absolutely brilliant.
Every election year that rolls around I find the issue of religion as the most bothersome to me. What does it really matter what religion a man is, or woman for that matter. Why should ones personal beliefs and practices play any role in deciding if that person is fit to run our country? I suppose if all wars were decided by, who could kneel in prayer for the longest period of time or how about, "the one who memorizes the most prayers, wins the control of all nuclear arms." As an American citizen who claims no formal organized religion, I already feel that my vote doesn't count.
Religion is a belief not a fact. Some people use religion as a crutch, some truly feel they need it to get through the trials of everyday life and some use it to force others into their beliefs. I have never put anyone down for believing what they believe in. What role will your God play in the next war. Will yours be the one who is for it, or against it. Will your God, seek vengeance or a peaceful resolve. Will your God let you choose for yourself how you want to live without fear of repercussion?
Let's see... Bush's religious beliefs helped propel us into a war. However just it may have seemed at first, most will now admit that the ulterior motives behind his decisions are now slowly seeping out of every soldiers war wounds, the patriotic and religious heaves at the start of the conflict, only a ruse to get us all on board. I wonder what the God he prays to tells him as he sleeps.
So maybe I'm picking on Bush. He is a very easy target. My point is just this. When has any world leader, our country or otherwise, ever made a world altering decision, in the name of "Their God" and the result be a favorable one. When was the last time a President ever addressed the nation to tell us all that, "I was at services today, and the lord told me that all the children of the world should get new cuddly puppies.". A stupid analogy I know. I just want to express the absurdity in placing o person's religions beliefs above their moral beliefs.
When cramming yourself into that little booth at election time, I can only wish that you find yourself voting for the person who offers the best solutions for the problems that truly plague our country now. Not what he sees when he looks to the skies for the answers. I hope you bother to educate yourself with these issues and not let your religion be your only guide as to who to elect. And finally, try believing in humanity and morality over Christianity. I'm not saying we should all be atheists. I guess I'm just urging us to not put all our eggs into one basket when judging the moral fiber of a person. A great leader does not have to be a great Christian. Just as those deemed as upstanding Christians should not be the only ones allowed to lead us.
Politicians are best at changing the subject. They don't become popular by shining a spotlight on the really important issues, but by talking about morals (whatever the hell that means) and their antiquated definistions of that term. I would say that we should start worrying when they stop bringing up topics like gay marriage, burning the flag and evolution to public debate. It is then that the world will become the scarry, cut-throat place that they want us to believe it is when they tell us that bombing other countries is justified.
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