Victoria's Secret Fashion Show

Did everyone tune in for the annual nipples on parade that is the televised "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show"? Well to sum it up for those who didn't. Yes they were hot, no, none of them fell on the runway and yes my wife liked most of the things she saw.... as did I, I suppose. You can check them out here Victoria's Secret is an almost sure fire slam dunk when Christmas shopping fellas... Hint: it doesn't even have to be the expensive stuff, as long as it says "Victoria's Secret" on it somewhere you've done well. Its kind of like when someone buys us men something like oh I don't know say, porn or beer. It doesn't really matter what or how much of either we've been given of said gift, were automatically grateful. Its a no brainer guys.
P.S. As if it mattered the Spice Girls performed and sucked, Seal was alright, its not like he cares he's married to Heidi Klum and Wil.I.Am, well all I can say about him is that I finally know who sings the song that currently annoys me the most.
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