Obama Wins. Congrats President Obama

Hello everyone. It has been quite a while since I've last blogged on here. I figured what better a time than now. As I type this with one hand the other is busily flipping through the various news stations trying to find the latest on the "Decision '08" front.
It seems once again my great state of Florida will be playing an all to familiar and pivotal role in this election. Though this year there is no Jeb Bush or hanging chads (as of yet).....
THIS JUST IN... with 81% of the precincts reporting Obama is predicted the Florida winner. I'm gonna flip around some more.
Now just in again as of 11pm OBAMA is the president!! Hail to the chief and congratulations to all on a hard fought election.
Cheers to all of us how voted for Obama and views. Lets hope this is the beginning of the rise of the hard working middle class, the beginning of a new hope for our educational system, the new beginning in gaining our independence on foreign oil. Tonight the streets run blue. A true victory for the American people.
284 electoral votes.
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