Johnny Depp Reaches Out

I ran across this story today and found it very interesting. It seems that in all the hustle and bustle of Hollywood some actors still find a way to show that they do care about real people and real causes. I imagine you all are getting as sick of all the Britney Spears crap and all the stars and their baby watches as I am. Lohan's rehab, OJ is back in jail as is Keifer. Miss Paris is still spending money and flashing her naughty bits all over town and yes Amy Winehouse has lost her bee hive. Among all this over indulgent, spoiled and ego driven wrecks one guy has put his money and idle time toward really awarding acts.
Johnny Depp it seems has quietly donated over a million bucks to the children's hospital that helped his daughter while she was suffering from a kidney ailment. Not only did he donate the money, on the down low mind you, but he also had his "Captain Jack Sparrow" outfit sent in from hollywood, dressed in full make up and spent time down at the hospital reading stories to the children. How amazing a gesture is this. I have always liked and respected Depp for his style and ability but this takes him to a whole nother level. The fact that he did this on his own, not making his publicist put it out there for all to see he was doing it makes it even better.
Others of his industry and stature should take note. Buying new Mercede's benz's everyday, bouncing from island party spot to island party spot may get you into the gossip rags but truly humanitarian efforts will get you respected by those who make them all this money. Us little people.
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