WWSD... What will Sylar do?

This weeks Heroes tied up some more loose endings, which seems to be what this show is all about. What role will Sylar play in the finale of this season? How did he find Suresh's house? Well tune in next week to find out this and more.
A few questions I had after this chapter ended: Why didn't Monica just sneak out of the window she came in? Why did Peter take the story of Adam being on the bad side of the story so wrong? Why couldn't Hiro just go back in time to the point he originally screwed up and fix things there? I suppose its true as with any story, that if the characters were to react in a completely rational manner the story lines would be pretty boring. In my opinion this season has packed far less a punch than last season. I feel to much was attempted, to many story lines were played out at once. Its still one of the best shows on television, but give a short attention span a break.
Tune in next week and see how this season of Heroes wraps up.
Tune in next week and see how this season of Heroes wraps up.
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