This weeks Journeyman... Keep Journeyman Alive!

After being warned in episodes past by Livia about changing things he wasn't meant to, this week Dan truly finds out why. After leaning that a young Aeden Bennett, had been an abused child while flashing back to him as a child. He had so many choices to make. It seems he made the right ones again. I found myself wondering though; Had he been able to save him as a child would he have flashed back to his kitchen with a dead FBI agent on his floor, and how could this have been explained. I suppose that's why they chose not to write it that way. I'm glad to see that Dan's brother Jack has been finally opened and enlightened to Dan's situation.
My main complaint with Journeyman is the constant stress that gets played out between Dan and his wife Katie. I mean we get it. We can all assume how hard this situation would be for both of them to be in. To make it an issue in every episode will deffinately get old quick. They need to find a way for them to resolve the difficulty of their situation and focus more on the true essence of the show. It makes me glad that Sam Beckett of Quantum Leap fame wasn't married... Could you imagine if every episode was interrupted with Sam trying to get Al to find his wife for him. Anyway, I still think Journey man is an excellent show. For the most part they handle all the jumping around very well and keep the story relatively easy to follow. Now if they can just take care of explaining a bit further the presence of the now Dead FBI agent that was poking around, I'll be happier.
Journeyman will be off next week. I suppose its to make room for the Heroes finale. Be sure to tune in, in 2 weeks. I'd hate to see this show only last one season. With a little fine tuning I feel Journeyman could become a very interesting drama as the seasons continue.
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